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Order articles in a free form (spare parts)

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Search for articles and order (spare parts)

Please use this form to start your order.
Type in a term with at least 3 letters. Furthermore entering your customer number and your according password is required. This combination is checked and you are able to continue with a correct customer number/password- combination only.
After the first search you have the possibility to enter more search- terms.

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Search for open orders (spare parts)

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Search in:  article no.  inv. no.  your order no.
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Search for articles (machines)

Type in a term with at least 3 letters. Furthermore entering your customer number and your according password is required. This combination is checked and you are able to continue with a correct customer number/password-combination only.
After the first search you have the possibility to enter more search-terms.
For a list of all machines, press list all.

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Customer number:

Search for open orders (machines)

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Search in:  article no.  inv. no.  your order no.
Customer number:

©1997 Pegasus Europa GmbH
Tel +49 631 371099-0
Fax +49 631 371099-40
Weilerbacher Straße 77
67661 Kaiserslautern